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Terms & Conditions

Please make sure to read the Terms and Conditions, and what we expect from you. If you have any questions about our terms and conditions, please call Julie on 07951093390. Following receipt of your booking form and payment, Golden Goal Lacrosse will send you an email to confirm your booking

A. Booking 
  1. Booking should be made online through the booking form, with payment made in advance. All bookings will be confirmed with an email with all the relevant information. 

  2. Payments should be made via the PayPal link in advance of the clinic. Due to the limited numbers, we request that all players confirm their space by payment at least 7 days prior to the clinic.

B. Cancellation Policy
  1. If you need to cancel within the two weeks leading up to a clinic, Golden Goal will not be able to offer a full refund.  We will allow you to transfer the place to a different name, or to a clinic on a different date. 

  2. Cancellation will be subject to the following charges:

  3. More than 4 weeks prior to the clinic start date - 100% refund

  4. 2 - 4 weeks prior to the clinic start date -  50% refund

  5. Less than 2 weeks prior to the camp start date - No refund

  6. Golden Goal reserves the right to cancel a clinic due to adverse weather conditions, illness or other unforeseen circumstances. Players will be given a refund or will be able to transfer their place to another date. 

  7. If a player is sick and cannot attend camp on any day, please call Julie on 07951093390 to let Golden Goal know of the absence

C. Personal Information
  1. It is the responsibility of the person making the booking to ensure that all details provided are accurate and up to date, including medical information, any other specific needs and emergency contact information. If this information is not up to date, the player will not be allowed to attend the clinic. 

D. Lateness
  1. All players will be able to join in, even if they are delayed. But it is encouraged to contact Ella or Julie if you are later than 20 minutes. 

  2. If players are late to be collected, two coaches will wait with the player. However, after 30 minutes, there will be a lateness fee of £15 for every 15 minutes after the disclosed end time. 

E. First Aid
  1. All coaches on Golden Goal Lacrosse Clinics will be First Aid Certified. Golden Goal takes every reasonable step to avoid injuries being suffered by players. In the event of an accident, first aid will be administered to players in our care, and the emergency services will be called if necessary. All incidents will be logged in an accident book. 

  2. However, there is an inherent risk of injury at our lacrosse clinics. By signing these terms and conditions, you confirm that: 

  3. You consent to trained first aid coaches caring for your child in the event of an accident

  4. You consent that we may call upon emergency medical advice for your child if an incident requires it

  5. You accept that we will only administer prescribed drugs, e.g. antibiotics or inhaler, to your child during the camp with your verbal and written consent at the start of the camp

F. Valuables
  1. Golden Goal lacrosse does not accept responsibility for any personal property, and encourages players not to bring valuables to clinics. Golden Goal lacrosse is not liable for any lost or damaged property at a clinic. If a player has left an item, please contact Ella or Julie who will do their best to help you locate it.

G. Insurance
  1. All players who attend Golden Goal lacrosse clinics are covered by our Public Liability insurance.

H. Child protection and safeguarding statement
  1. Golden Goal has legal obligations in relation to safeguarding and upholds a strict safeguarding approach. All coaches are DBS checked and have completed accredited safeguarding courses with England Lacrosse. We acknowledge that all children have a right to grow up in an environment that is not abusive. We are aware that child abuse occurs to children of both sexes, at all ages and in all cultures, religions, social classes and to children with and without disabilities. We have a responsibility to our players and to the authorities to report suspected child abuse.

I. Equal opportunities statement 
  1. We welcome children of all religious beliefs, faiths, cultures and abilities and believe that each child attending the camp is of equal value. The clinics that we run strive to provide equal opportunities and allow all players to perform at the highest level.

J. Data protection
  1. To process your booking, we need to collect personal details about the booker and player.  All data will be treated as confidential and kept in a secure location, complying with all relevant UK legislation. We will use your email address and telephone number to contact you with information that relates to any bookings that you make and any information that we might need that relates to the welfare of your child. 

  2. Please be aware that photos and videos are taken for social media and advertising purposes. By signing below, you confirm that you are happy for the player to be included in this advertising.

You confirm that you are happy for the player to be featured in social media for Golden Goal lacrosse channels.    

©2023 by Golden Goal - The Lacrosse Clinic. 

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